
<== Site of the Week for 2013-05-15 ==>

Mike the Headless Chicken

Mike the Headless Chicken is one of the most notable residence of Fruita whose best years began with the loping off of the head.

This Wyandotte Rooster ran around for two years after have its head chopped off in 1945 and traveled the nation and was the star of many fairs and exhibits.

Residents of Fruita celebrate the achievements of their most famous son in Mid May with a fun run, bike ride, wing eating contest and other activities befitting a beheaded chicken.

In the video below we find Mike's fans from around the world contemplating headless chickens.

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Site NameMike the Headless Chicken
Review History2013-05-15
Category Grand Junction: Entertainment
Page Views5048
PreviousGrand Junction Gem & Mineral Club

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